Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dear Blog...

Do you remember me? Sorry for neglecting you lately [i even missed your birthday :( ]

Lately I’ve been doing stuff other than looking at the computer screen.

More knitting, gardening, sewing, school holidaying, renovating, cleaning, crafting, but most importantly mothering and wife-ing...

I just love these four more than anything!

p.s. I do promise more regular updates... but only if I get around to it ;)


  1. oh how ive missed you....hope all is well my dear. Love you xo

  2. these are some beautiful photos sis. :) i must visit again x

  3. lovely to see you back.
    great for an update on the kiddies.
    lan looks so grown up!


Hello there - thanks for your lovely words - I love hearing from you!