Monday, May 17, 2010

An Apple and Blueberry Pie cooling on the window sill

This is just for you Sarah-Jane xx

I just love that we grew oh ok, picked our own apples for these pies. And the blueberries we picked from a local producer in the summer.

Here's my recipe:

Apple and Blueberry Pie (makes 2) - because you might as well go all out while you're at it!

Shortbread crust:
3 cups plain flour
1 cup white sugar
250g soft butter
1 big egg or 2 little ones

about 1 dozen apples - mixture of sweet and tart
4 big handfuls of blueberries

2 sheets ready-made shortcrust pastry

Plonk all the crust ingredients into a bowl and get your hands in! Squish and squeeze till the mixture comes together into a ball. Divide the dough between 2 pie/tart/cake tins and press onto base and sides of tin. Set aside.

Slice up enough apples fill tins - maybe a dozen? [depends on the size of your apples] I usually use a few different varieties - sweet and tart ones. I don't even bother peeling them - more fibre, interesting texture and usually I just can't be bothered peeling a stack of apples - though in saying that I should just get out the twirly apple peeler - I think I'll do that next time.

Divide half the apples between the 2 tins, scatter over a good handful of blueberries, repeat with the remaining apples and blueberries.

Cut shortcrust pastry into strips, and lay over the filling in a lattice pattern - you can do tricky pastry weaving for the top if you want to be fancy.

Bake 180oc for 30-40 minutes or till pastry is golden brown and apples are soft.

Mmmm... delicious! It would be even better with a good dollop of whipped cream - though not so good for the thighs...


  1. I go on and on and on, about apple and blueberry pies cooling on window sills, just ask Tom, he hates hearing about it, so i guess someone was bound to do it one day just to shut me up ha ha ha LOVE LOVE LOVE it, it has made my vision of your place complete. LOVE you Christine :)

  2. gorgeous sweety.
    silly girl for not using the twirly apple device. what are they for if not for making apple pies?!
    note: SJ will be raving about this post for the next 4 or so months. she is ALWAYS going on about pies and window sills and country life etc.

  3. That looks gorgeous!! I don't know if I would have had it cooling - I would have been eating it hot with cream I think. Thanks for recipe.

  4. oh christine this is so cooool! no one came to steal the pie from the window sil? ;) im longing to come over still. bad sister arent i. i love you.

  5. The pie looks WONDERFUL!!! We picked some blueberries this summer too so might just have to use some in a pie like this - but I would definitely be having the cream with it!! x


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