Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I think I love you Mr Postman...

LOOK what just arrived at our house!

I have been watching and waiting for this parcel for what seems like eternity. Every time we hear the post van in our street there is a little-peek-out-of-window, hold-your-breath, is-he-stopping-here? and YAY-today-it's-for-us!

I can't wait to sit down and gobble these up! Especially SouleMama's new one. YUMMY! There's nothing more delicious than a new book!


  1. Woohoo!!! The Harvest is here!! Might need to come home early.... :-)

    Oh yeah, and fix the boat :-(

  2. YIPEEEE! ... I'm excited and it's not even my parcel ... love that soulemama book ... i've got the first one and i'm still waiting for the second one to come in the post (although ... i haven't ordered it yet, is that going to be a problem?)

    Mandy just put me on to your blog and i'm loving it, i love reading crafty mum news ...

    bronya x

  3. I'm just hoping that fishing books are arriving in the same quantity. But the Harvest book does look very good.

    Who got to pop the bubble wrap?

  4. Al, I have a confession to make... it was actually me that popped the bubbles - admittedly Immy did get a little go, but not much strength in those teeny fingers. I'd forgotten how much fun it is!


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