Saturday, August 8, 2009

He's churnin' 'em out man!

Ed's been making naan all day for a fundraiser curry night we are going to tonight. He's a one-man production line - no helpers allowed! [Unless it's wipe the benches :P ]

Even his choice of flowery teatowel basket liner!

I must be rubbing off!


  1. Ed. It was all going soooo well. And then you got the tea towel out........

  2. I love this.
    It's like being in tassie again.
    At your place on a lazy saturday.
    Thanks for the little feeling of 'home'

  3. Wow!! I'm impressed both with your husbands cooking skills and your crafting skills, well done!

    I have a little rainbow hat all finished for you to see if it is the right size, will bring along on Sunday (if my fuddled mind doesn't forget) sharon :)

  4. Oh, yum. What were you fundraising for?


Hello there - thanks for your lovely words - I love hearing from you!