Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Elizabeth Handmade Market

is only 6 weeks away! 

put it in your diaries

check out our website for heaps more info on our fundraising cause and to check out all the stall holders

see you there xx

Friday, May 18, 2012

:: lately ::

:: lots of birthdays [including mine]

:: cuddles with opa

:: dancing

:: laughing [at mum's spelling - good one ree-ree]

:: presents

:: school work [did you know we home school now?]

:: high fives

:: path building

:: parties

:: 100 pink balloons [or a few less by the time they got them upstairs]

:: silliness [and more parties]

:: a special birthday boy

:: drawing in kid-built cubby houses

:: feeding donkeys [the neighbours]

:: apple picking in jim-jams

:: and more apple picking

:: kitty-cat face painting

:: more sillies

:: sketching stuff at the side of the road

:: eating delicious homemade puff pastry with home grown tomatoes

hope all is well in your world - it is in ours xx