Thursday, January 14, 2010

Yummy Vegemite (or Bacon) Scrolls

Yesterday the girls made scrolls for lunch. Alannah and Imogen had a bowl each to make their own batch. Imogen decided on Vegemite scrolls but Alannah was adamant about bacon in hers.

It's basically a scone dough rolled out flat, smeared with vegemite [or sprinkled with chopped cooked bacon], loads of cheese dumped on top, rolled, sliced and plonked in the oven.

Here's my recipe [I did a batch each for the girls]

Vegemite Scrolls (makes about 12)

~ 1 1/2 cups wholemeal self raising flour
~ 2 tbsp butter
~ 3/4 cup milk
~ vegemite
~ grated cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 200`c. Rub butter into flour with fingertips till the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Gently mix milk into flour mixture with a butter knife till the mixture comes together in a ball. Turn out onto floured surface and roll out into a rough rectangle about half inch thick. Spread vegemite all over - thickness of this layer is personal preference. Sprinkle with cheese - also personal preference - the more the better. Roll up starting on long side. Cut into slices about an inch thick. Lay sliced side up on tray. Bake 10 - 15 minutes. Eat as soon as possible - YUM!     *variation* substitute vegemite for a couple of bacon rashers sliced and browned

I'm a bit 'whatever' when it comes to accurate measurements so Alannah's dough was a little bit too moist. Fixed it with tonnes of flour on the bench to soak into the wetness. Actually didn't really help much except to make concrete-like residue to scrape off bench!*

Also was a bit tricky to roll up nicely and squished around as we were trying to slice it up. Immy's batch was heaps better - a bit less milk in hers.

Finn decided that half way through scroll making session was the perfect time to wake from his morning nap. Consequently scrolls were hurried into the oven amidst loud protests from down the hall and promptly forgotten about. They turned out a tad dry [similar texture to eating a mouthful of beach]. No complaints from the taste testers!

* best way I've found to clean scone dough off the bench =
scrape off as much as you can with a wooden or plastic spatula [so you don't scratch your bench] then using COLD water only [warm or hot will turn it into glue] wipe with with paper towel - you may need to repeat this a couple of times depending on how much you scraped off previously - lots of water helps and a bit of dishwashing liquid too if you have some super-stuck-on bits. DO NOT use your sponge / wiping cloth for this job unless you want permanent gluey gobs stuck in it. Yes, that means you my Mr!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Meet Mr Shuffle Bum

It official. Finn is a bum-shuffler.

I had a sneaking suspicion that this might be the case. Classic example = put Finn on floor to play with toys - return a short while later - not playing with toys as mummy directed but rather with aunty leesie's frankie mags that mummy had yet to get round to perusing [don't worry lees - only slightly dribbled on and a couple of misshapen pages]

This morning Finn decided hanging out with toys was unexciting and proceeded to chase mummy and big sisters into the kitchen ableit at rather a leisurely pace.

Next on the cards: destroy big sisters' cafe kitchen set up in living room. Then off to yank out cable of laptop sitting on couch.

Oh what fun! I'm going to need to dig out that playpen again

Monday, January 11, 2010

Look at my new house!

We got the keys to our beautiful new [old] house today! I'm sooooo excited!!! Isn't it just gorgeous? It was built in the 1840's as a school house, has 6 bedrooms, bakehouse with wood fired oven and lots of sheds to keep the man happy.

There's been renters in it for the last year so unfortunately it doesn't look so well kept at the moment as it shows in the photos [they're from before the renters neglected it]. So lots of work to be done! Hopefully after a new bathroom, a bit of paint, spot of weeding/mowing/planting and lots of elbow grease it'll be looking a little more presentable that it currently does.

So this buying / selling house business is pretty full on! Throw in a couple of birthdays, end of year stuff, christmas, school holidays, camping, catching up with family, sprucing up house, open homes, trying to pack up house and life in general = no time for writing on blogs [or even reading blogs].

It might still be a bit quiet round here for a little while - I will try to pop past now and then and let you know what's going on.